Celebrating International Women's Day

This week we are celebrating International Women’s Day. The IWD 2020 campaign theme is #EachforEqual. This year, the campaign is all about creating a gender equal world, and we are here for it! According to their website, “International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women - while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender equality.”
The very first International Women’s Day was in 1911, but since then it has evolved into a global day and movement celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political accomplishments of women. Following, supporting, and sharing this movement is a way for all who care about human rights to be able to work toward a world where women are considered equal.
Fair Trade Supports Women
Fair trade and women’s rights go hand-in-hand, which is why we are so excited to celebrate alongside the #EachforEqual movement this year! According to the World Fair Trade Organization, “Fair Trade Enterprises across the world are producing and trading, campaigning and educating for a better world. The WFTO is their global community. Their direct impact includes 965,700 livelihoods supported through the operations and supply chains of these enterprises. 74% of these workers, farmers and artisans are women and women made up the majority of the leadership. They pioneer upcycling and social enterprise, refugee livelihoods and women’s leadership.”
The artisan groups who make many of our pieces are mainly comprised of women, and we are so proud to advocate for their empowerment. Many artisans who work in the workshops that we partner with are disadvantaged women. Fair trade is powerful because it provides stable, safe, supportive environments for people to work in. Mamas can often work at home or have the reassurance that safe childcare will be provided, women can expect to be paid and treated fairly without fear of abuse or mistreatment, and they have the opportunity to thrive in life rather than simply surviving. Fair trade is incredible!
Women to Admire
We admire all of the women who have gone before us in the fight for women’s rights. Celebrate women this month (here and around the world!) with our handmade Ruth Bader Ginsburg ornament from Kyrgyzstan.
You can choose your own favorite quote by the infamous RBG, but this is one of ours:
“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”
This is what we have seen Ruth Bader Ginsburg do over the years. She has become an icon by lifting other women alongside her as she has risen. This is the work that we can all do no matter who we are or where we are. We can lift up the women around us by advocating for their rights in whatever ways we are able to. Supporting fair trade is definitely one of those ways, and there are lots of other ideas from the International Women’s Day campaign, too! How can you make a difference in the world around you?
We also remember the contributions of the suffragettes like Susan B. Anthony who tirelessly advocated for women to have equal voting rights. Our beautiful handmade felt ornaments of these women are perfect for the women you know who are advocating for others, too! It is always wonderful to have a reminder of the other women who have fought for the things they cared about while also leading others to join them.
Jobs for Women Refugees
There is another incredible fair trade company called BebeMoss. This company provides us with a beautiful picture of the way that fair trade can positively impact women’s lives. Each purchase from this company provides dignified jobs and living wages to over 100 mamas living in Istanbul, Turkey, many of whom are Syrian refugees.
Women who work for BebeMoss have the benefit of being able to keep their older children in school so that they do not have to start working at an earlier age. They can choose to work from home or in the workshop, and there is a safe child area for the children at the workshop if the mothers need to bring them to work. Additionally, the workers are working with organic cotton products, which is better for the environment and also better for the women handling the materials.
Not only is this company making a positive impact; these animals are adorable! You can take our word for it, or check out Leo the Lion, Rose the Unicorn, and the rest of the gang for yourself. Celebrate and support women this month by supporting as many companies who support fair trade as possible!
Rescuing Women From Sex Trafficking
One of the groups that we partner with is especially passionate about restoring hope to exploited women. The Starfish Project provides life-changing opportunities to women through their holistic care programs and social enterprise where women create beautiful jewelry and also have opportunities to become managers, accountants, graphic designers, and photographers.
The founders of the Project befriended some exploited women living in their city and eventually developed friendships. Some of the girls they met trusted them enough to come and live in their shelter and work making jewelry. This gives the girls an opportunity to be transformed in a loving community, receive regular medical checks and counseling, and vocational training in wholesale jewelry production.
Support women who have been rescued from sex trafficking when you purchase our beautiful Alexis Heart Necklace, Multicolored Resin Hoops, or Black Druzy Agate Stone Ring. Every piece tells a story of hope, redemption, and empowerment for women in Asia.
Represent the #EachforEqual Movement
We can’t wait to see how each of you decide to rep the #EachforEqual Movement this year for International Women’s Day, and all year long. Check out the hashtag and share your own photos to show your support. Bonus points if you add our fair trade accessories or ornaments.
Just as much as we admire the women before us who have lifted one another, we admire the women we are walking alongside (like you!) who are making a positive impact in a variety of ways, including using their purchasing power to make the world better.
Thank you so much for supporting Fair Tribe and supporting dignified work for women around the world!